06 April 2010


Here are some pics of the finished window hanging. This piece belongs in a series of three, and I was playing around with the idea of weaving and bringing multiple elements together. In this case, the fabric is "woven" together through sewing, the linen threads are actually woven in between the cloth, and the piece was created to fit specifically in that window, joining together the lines and shadows of the building with the curtain.


  1. By far the coolest window hanging ever!! It interacts with the space so beautifully! The layering and fragility really reinforce the sense of 'window'. custom made window hangings unique to each window is a really cool concept! You should market these to some high class big spenders, cause im just sayin- they off the chain cool.

  2. awww shucks!! thanks for the great feedback. and let me know if you find any of these high class big spenders..I can't seem to locate them anywhere!!
